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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Healthy eating is supposed to be a staple of weight loss. If you eat right and work out then the experts all say that the pounds will just 'melt away.' The problem is that if you work full time, go to school full time, do BOTH full time, or even if you're just a stay at home mom who has one too many responsibilities already on your shoulders, you don't have time to look into all the 'healthy alternatives.'

Today, I made a mistake. I ate a Mexican frozen dinner. First of all, I only ate the burrito, which means I left the re-fried beans, rice, and hot sauce for the trash can to devour. Secondly, that one t.v. dinner had SIX HUNDRED calories in it. I about fainted when I saw that. Usually, one workout for me burns 300 calories in 30 minutes. I will have to work out for an entire hour just to burn off lunch. Unfortunately, I have so much running around to do today, that I only have time for one work out. I'm a little disappointed in that, but I did make the smarter choice and drink water with my gross t.v. dinner...At least there were no extra calories added there. (Random fact: When calorie counting, almost no one remembers to include their drink calories. They also count as part of your 2,000 cal a day plan! Don't forget!)

So--my goal is to try and eat better. I plan on making a good grocery list, eating before I go shopping so I don't impulse buy, avoiding snack food aisles, and after today....no longer keeping ANY Dr. Pepper in the house. I am going to do my best to stick to water, milk, and juices...with the occasional sweet tea for dinner. Wish me luck. I know I'll need it. After all, I'm a Dr. Pepper addict.

Peace, Love, and A Healthy New Year
Sarah V.

P.s. If anyone has any good recipes to send me for healthier snacks or meals feel free to do so at Savanord@live.com. Be sure the subject line reads: Recipe.

Watch out for my workout review later today.


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