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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Final results!!!!

Hello again fellow bloggers. Well, it's finally that time. Six weeks have passed since we agreed to take on this challenge, and lord knows we've all had our struggles. I started the 6 week challenge weighing in right around 208 pounds. Yes, my first blog post says 203, but I found out that the scale I was using at that time was actually 5 pounds off. Ewies!

I haven't worked out for close to two weeks now, but I am still controlling my portions a lot better, eating healthier, and STILL haven't had my beloved soda for 6 weeks. I keep thinking about how much I'd *like* to have one, but I know that once I break down and have one, I'm going to want another...then another...then another. So maybe, just maybe, I'm doing better than I thought here. I weighed myself FIRST thing this morning, and was at the weight I'd been at when I stopped working out. Luckily that means that the 2 lb gain I was seeing before was probably in fact water weight.

So, here are my final results. I don't plan on stopping now, and I hope you guys don't either. I'm going to buy a treadmill, do a little walking, and hopfeully get some weights to work on these 'mom arms' before summer rolls around. Am I going to be prancing around in a bikini this year? Hell no. Will I at least be a little more comfortable with my body? Probably not. BUT, I will go out in a one piece. That's a step in the right direction for me.

Weight: 208 pounds
Chest: 42 inches
Waist: 36 inches
Hips: 42 inches
Weight: 199.6 lbs
Chest: 41 inches
Waist: 33 inches (WOO!)
Hips: 42 inches (I don't think this will ever change, I have big hips!)

So there you have it people! I was down to 198 and I gained that one extra pound back bringing my grand total to.....

9 pounds and 4 inches lost total!! Now just think, If I can keep this up for ANOTHER 6 weeks and lose the same amount of weight, I'd be down in the 180's...and if you recall that is my goal.

How did YOU ladies do? What are your final results? Are you ready to continue portion control, healthier eating, less take out, no soda, and of course a little extra activity? 

Peace, Love, and Cheerios
Sarah V.

I will post photos later of my progress! Keep your eyes peeled for them. (I didn't think posting pictures of me with my hair a mess and in my pajamas was going to get the point across too well. hehe.)


The Hay Family said...

You did fantastic, Sarah! keep up the good work! I will be looking forward to reading about your future results!

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