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Friday, February 12, 2010

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life...

Well, yesterday was the end of our six week challenge. I had told myself repeatedly if I could go those 6 weeks without giving in to my MAJOR weakness (Dr. Pepper) that I could have one after the challenge was over. Yesterday, I thought REALLY hard about going to the gas station and getting one...but I didn't. I fought with myself mentally over a soda. I've never done something like that before. Usually, I will try to rationalize why it's okay for me to do something I wasn't planning to, and yesterday I was telling myself reasons why I shouldn't drink a soda. Now, don't get me wrong. I haven't cut out soda entirely. I've had a few Root Beers and Sprites here and there, but I try to stick to caffeine free. Plus, Root Beer and Sprite are both so bubbly that I can't ever finish one. I have to sip on it forever. I don't think I will spend the rest of my life without a Dr. Pepper. That's just unrealistic, but I HAVE kept them out of my house for six long weeks.

I know some of you may scoff at the idea of a soda addiction, and some of you may understand. When smokers get stressed they want a cigarette. When alcoholics get stressed, they reach for the bottle. Well, this girl....when I get stressed, I crave soda. It's my nicotine. It's my addiction. It's not about the taste for me, it's about the burn. Yes, the burn. When was the last time you had a Dr. Pepper? That first drink burns on its way down. After that, I drink it like water.

Speaking of water, if you recall when I first began this journey I hated water. All types of water, and all flavors. Every time I have ever drank water it tastes like copper. We believe that has something to do with my iron deficiency anemia. The doctors have also said that people like me with bipolar disorder have different brain patterns than people without the illness. That in itself could have contributed to my strange taste. None of that gibberish makes any sense to me, but if you get bored later google it and tell me what you find. Back to the topic at hand. Since I started the 6 week challenge I have found a water I adore. Dasani! I never used to be big on bottled water. I thought it was wasteful and didn't understand how bottled water could taste different than tap. Now I know! Im thinking of getting a brita filter and just filtering my own water into a water bottle to save us money. We spent upwards of $30-40 a month on water alone! Yikes. If you're like me and hate water, I suggest trying several different flavors until you find one you can stomach. Yes, it might be yucky at first, but you'll thank me.

Since I started drinking water regularly, I've noticed that: my bloating has gone down, my skin looks healthier, the dark circles under my eyes are less noticeable, I'm rarely thirsty, and sipping on water keeps me from mindlessly eating without having any adverse effects. I'm lovin it.

I won't sit here and say that my life has done a full turn around because it hasn't. I haven't cut out fast food entirely, I haven't given up soda entirely, I haven't even worked out on a daily basis. What I have done is learned new things. I can eye a bowl of cereal and know when to stop for a one cup serving. I can cook actual meals, which is something I couldn't do before all of this. I can count calories in my head accurately, though I prefer to use paper. I can work out for half an hour without dying! That's something I wasn't sure I could do when I was healthier. Plus, I've met some awesome people on this journey and I hope that I continue to meet and inspire more people. This is a life long struggle, and I'm tired of the battle. I will beat this.


The Hay Family said...

Congratulations to you for not giving in to cravings! I miss Dr. Pepper, too...but if I drink it I will be in excruciating pain, good motive, huh? You are doing a good job, Sarah! I was just thinking this morning that I am actually starting to look forward to my workouts instead dreading them everyday...that is a lifestyle change when you find yourself doing the opposite of what you used to do!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about soda. I am so incredibly addicted to it. I had completely kicked the soda habit in the last two years of high school, and then started drinking soda again in college and have had a hard time stopping. I've been doing really good this time though. Good job on not giving in to your cravings!

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