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Friday, February 26, 2010


So, I meant to post this wayyyyyyyyyyy earlier today. Looks like I totally forgot, so I apologize in advance. Also...I'm very strange. :) Enjoy my awkwardness. Much love. Oh and we were at walmart for 2 hours walking. Ha. It was a zoo in there.



Nathalie said...

In a silly mood? Lol! No, don't drink diet though. Don't drink crystal light either. They have aspartame in them, which can cause some serious problems, and can be cancer causing. Let's put it this way: when you're pregnant, they tell you not to drink them because it can cause birth defects in babies. And keep up with eating breakfast. You'll see a difference in how you feel the rest of the day.

BrookeNotOnADiet said...

Love the Vlog! I finally got to a computer to watch it. I love the randomness that is you! :o)

And I didn't avoid the booze...oops.

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