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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Mondays.

I have another case of the Mondays. It's rainy outside for the hundredth (4th) time this week, and I'm getting thoroughly annoyed by it. I'm usually okay with spring and summer rains. I like warm rain, happy rain, rain that smells good, refreshing rains, and so fourth. I'm not lucky enough to have that nice rain. Oh no, I have freezing rain, that makes everything wet, cold, slippery, and frozen. We had to use our ice scraper yesterday to get the rain and frost off the car. Boo! Mr. Sunshine, where are you?

In happier news, we are getting ready to go to Wal-mart and/or K-mart to get Emma's Easter goodies. I have no idea what to get for her this year, but we'll figure it out when we get there. I want to get her some tadoodles crayons, and let her draw in her high chair. Lately she's been scribbling with regular crayons, so I think she's probably ready for them. She just has trouble holding regular crayons yet. So, we'll see if they have any left. She has just gotten an entire seasons worth of clothes, and 3 new pairs of shoes too! I doubt she'll get a lot this year. I'm going to put my pedometer on when we head out the door. I usually spend a few hours shopping, and driving Andrew insane. I wonder how far we'll walk. My hubby has been wearing his every day. It turns out he walks about 10,000 steps just at work alone, when he's not cashiering. Yay hubby! <3

After I got out of the shower this morning, I threw my mom jeans in the hamper and raided the closet. I put on some non-mom jeans and a purple tshirt. I feel so unbelievably naked, and I feel like I look horrible. I'm trying to push those thoughts from my head but its unbelievably difficult. I have spent almost 2 years hiding my stomach, so my mind has to catch up with my body. I don't look great, but I look better. I have noticed that I complain a lot less about my weight now that I'm actually doing something about it. So, that's a plus! If it's cold I might throw on a sweatshirt anyways...but, I'm trying extra hard not to. Baby steps here people, baby steps. I'm not ready to show my body in normal clothes. I just want to hop into a body hiding outfit, and run off. Hell, I'd probably go out in a snuggie because its baggy enough to hide my body. Well, two snuggies..gotta keep that back side covered.

Luckily, I'm still doing really well on plan. I managed to get in all my points yesterday, and end the day with one girl scout cookie. The day before I had 4 pts left. Its hard to get everything in sometimes. Today when I got up, I was exhausted and it was late morning. Emma woke me up at 545 and I had to sleep on the couch with her on my chest. It was awkward, random, uncomfy sleep for a while. We got up at 9 this morning, which was late for us. After my shower I decided that it was too late for a huge breakfast so I had a cup of milk, strawberry banana yogurt, and a banana on the side. Yes, banana yogurt WITH a banana. I'm weird like that I suppose. It was mighty tasty. Plus it was only 5 pts! Im making seasoned pork chops for dinner with mashed potatos and green beans, so I have to save up some points today!

Well, my daughter is running around getting into everything so I'd better get off here. I have to go fix my hair before we leave anyways. I will keep you all updated on relevant things as they occur. This blog was absolutely about nothing. Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet, and enjoy Niel Patrick Harris....well then, you better watch Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It was awesome.

Peace, Love, and Crazy Random Happenstances
Sarah V.

P.s. I talked another friend into doing Jillian, and she loves it. Thanks Quinn!


The Hay Family said...

woohoo! I wonder how far my Jillian promotion will go! She should pay me! Hope your day gets better!

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